Our Research

The Juno Study

We ran The Juno Study. Over 1000 women across the US registered to be part of the biggest IRB approved study of its kind to power up women’s health research with the richest, most representative repository of vaginal microbiomes. This study has already shed light on patterns that will raise the standard of care possible for women across the world.

imgFists in the air_Closing gender health gap_empower women

The Juno Study was a phenomenal leap forward in unravelling the vaginal microbiome and closing the gender health research gap. We’re bringing you this same science in the Juno test and rapidly unlocking unprecedented solutions, raising the standard of care for all.


At Juno Bio, we’re working to close the gender health gap. Womxn’s health research has been sidelined for far too long and vaginal health is badly in need of a good scientific sorting out. In particular, vaginal health conditions associated with vaginal microbes - aka the vaginal microbiome - such as bacterial vaginosis and infertility, are massively under researched.

I’ve never heard of the vaginal microbiome
Tell me everything

What even are microbiomes?
So what is the vaginal microbiome?
Why is decoding the vaginal microbiome so important?
Why am I only just hearing about the vaginal microbiome?
How do I know what’s in my vaginal microbiome?
Why should I care about my vaginal microbiome?
Vaginal wellbeing_Microbiome testing_Reproductive care from home

We think it’s ridiculous that millions of women around the world are experiencing problems due to a disrupted vaginal microbiome.
Juno Bio
is working to help women take control of their vaginal microbiome wellness.

Try the Juno Bio test


1. “Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)” Center for Disease Control, https://www.cdc.gov/std/tg2015/pid, Accessed 2020-6-4
2. “Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)” Mayo Clinic, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pelvic-inflammatory-disease/symptoms-causes/syc-20352594, Accessed 2020-6-4
3. “Overview: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease” National Health Service, https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/pelvic-inflammatory-disease-pid/, Accessed 2020-6-4
4. Haggerty C, et al. The Presence and Concentrations of Select Bacterial Vaginosis-Associated Bacteria Are Associated With Increased Risk of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. Sexually Transmitted Diseases: (2020) - Volume 47 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000001164